Cases & Clients

From large live productions and trade fairs to conferences and meetings. Our customers are innovative and use Trippus in many inspiring ways.

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Women in Tech

The annual Women in Tech conference is organized using Trippus platform. During this event, women from various fields of technology come together to share their experiences in order to network with each other and to inspire and empower colleagues in the industry and encourage them to pursue careers and leadership roles.
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BNI: Annual National Conference in Italy

For the third time in a row, the Italian BNI national conference is hosted in Trippus platform. Through smart solutions the conference enables networking opportunities for the participants.
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Martin & Servera: Sweden's popular food fair

The market-leading restaurant wholesaler Martin & Servera's "Taste and inspiration fairs" brings together thousands of suppliers and restaurant professionals in several locations in Sweden. The food giant exhibitor is experiencing a marked lift since the start of lead management at the fairs.
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Bokmässan: Nordic's largest cultural event

The popular book fair is organized in Trippus event portal and took place in Gothenburg With over 82,000 participants over four intensive days, the book fair is regarded as one of Sweden's leading fairs. The annual fair brings together book lovers from all over the country and Trippus is proud to be an essential part in the creation and execution of this fantastic fair.
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ONS: The world's largest energy trade show

During a four-day period at the ONS fair in Norway, some highly topical topics are discussed, for example how energy will shape the societies of the future. The fair is often regarded as one of the most prominent gatherings to discuss energy in the world.
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Red Cross: Europe's largest volunteer meeting

Europe's largest annual volunteer meeting brought together 10,000 Red Cross volunteers in Solferino, Italy, in June 2019. Over 60 associations from around the world were represented as the IFRC celebrated its 100th anniversary.
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The Sales Conference

A packed day with lectures, mingling and gala. The long-awaited sales conference took place in a hybrid format where the participant experience was at least as good as on-site.
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Uppsala City: Fashion Weekend

Autumn's trends were welcomed by hundreds of Uppsala residents who got to take part in this unique experience in the heart of the students' city. Uppsala City organized the Uppsala Fashion Weekend for the first time in collaboration with the event company Trippus.
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Meetx conference organizer

Annually, Meetx handles around 60 conferences, ranging from national and international scientific congresses to meetings and corporate events. For the large number of conferences and number of participants that are administered daily, Meetx depends on a tool that is flexible and user-friendly
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Digital event with Virtual meeting rooms brought together speakers who discussed digitization of events and the meeting industry. Live and recorded On-demand event.
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The participants' experience of feeling involved in the meeting - despite the digital one - could be created by collecting everything on Trippus digital platform.
Kristiina Sagbrant
Project Manager, Riksidrottsförbundet
Incredibly happy and satisfied with all the support that Trippus has given us, and when similar events come, we know which platform we will gladly choose again.
Amelie Rönngard
Project Manager, Altitude Meetings
Registration of booth staff, invited guests and lead scanning is one of the best modules we have experienced.
Rune Haldammen
Project Manager, ONS
Now we handle all administration from Trippus - from registration to the congress, selection of seminars, hotel booking.
Krister Andersson
CEO, Umeå Congress
If we hadn't had Trippus to work with, my desk would have been full of Excel lists with lists of names and people.
Solveig Rettig
Project Manager, Martin & Servera
It's super easy to use and they've thought of everything you need before, during and after.
Natalie Lindblom
Project Manager, Top of Heart

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