5 Benefits of an Event App

Events have the power to influence brands on multiple levels. When done correctly, they can lead to improved brand recognition, increased customer loyalty, and higher sales, all while giving your brand a competitive advantage.

In this e-book you'll learn:
- The key benefits of using events to enhance your brand.
- Proven strategies for building stronger brands through events.
- How to effectively leverage event technology to boost your branding efforts.

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25 August, 2023

5 Benefits of an Event App

The demand for event apps has surged significantly post-pandemic, aligning with the eagerness to gather physically once again. Event apps have gained popularity at large gatherings, and for first-time users, planning, executing, and following up on such significant events can be overwhelming. In this article, we present our perspective on five advantages of the Trippus event app!

Everything in one place

Participating in an event should be simple and seamless. As an organizer, you want to avoid the headache of working across multiple systems to plan and execute your event. The Trippus event app is a comprehensive solution for both organizers and participants. What we often hear from our clients is how convenient it is to have all the event information gathered in the app. Organizers, exhibitors, and participants have everything on their mobile phones, facilitating the smooth flow of the event. Eliminating the need to switch between different apps and providers is also appreciated by those planning and attending.

Tailored for your event

Seize the opportunity to showcase your brand further! Together, we create a customized event app based on your needs and your graphic profile. We craft a unique app with your logo, color codes, and the features you deem necessary for your specific event. If desired, we assist with size management and design.

Every event is unique, and so are the requirements for features. Below, you'll find a curated selection of features that can be integrated into your event app.

Communicate with participants

Effective communication is essential for a successful event. If communication falters, the event is prone to collapse. For this reason, we've made it easier for organizers to determine the information presented to participants directly in the app.

What if a change occurs while the event is ongoing? With the Trippus event app, you have the ability to update information that reaches participants directly on their mobile phones through SMS broadcasts. The app also provides the option to chat with participants and potential customers.

Learn more about the Trippus event app ->

The event app delivers a professional participant experience

The event app delivers a professional participant experienceFor organizers, it's crucial that everything runs smoothly. The slightest mishap can give an unprofessional impression, damaging your reputation. With an event app, each participant receives a personalized schedule directly in the app based on their choices during registration (e.g., whether they'll listen to speaker A or B). With years of experience, we've refined the user-friendliness and design of the event app, creating a truly professional experience while allowing you to showcase your color codes and logos.

Smooth ticket management – directly in the event app

Distribute drink vouchers or entrance tickets directly in the app. Check-in has never been more seamless! You can add various tickets during the event, reaching visitors in real-time.


There are numerous advantages to using the Trippus event app for your next event. With your own event app, you consolidate all planning and communication for your event in one easily accessible app for you and your visitors' smartphones. With the Trippus event app, you and your visitors always have all information available, and with updates in the schedule, everyone is informed of the changes immediately and simultaneously. Additionally, an event app allows you to strengthen your brand by implementing your color codes and logos directly in the app, creating a professional impression. Checking in and keeping track of tickets has never been easier, whether it's an entrance ticket or a dinner voucher

Are you ready to create better events?